Adult Sign-up

Please fill out the information below for current members, new potential members must provide 2 references after submitting form. New applicants will be notified. You can also sign up at Paulies Tackle in Montauk in person.

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Terms of Agreement

Application: Rules, Regulations, Bylaws

1. This tournament has a catch & release option for participants. Cash and tackle prizes will be awarded to our C&R adult competition. Tackle for youth/kids. 

2. Entry fee of $100 for all Adult members (Wader, Wetsuit & Women division) to participate in the heaviest fish for adults (18+).

3. The entry fees will be divided as follows into a winners pot: 100% of fee from Wetsuit entries will be allocated to overall Adult (1st, 2nd, 3rd finishes: 50/30/20), there will be no additional division pot for wetsuit entries. For Wader (and Women) entries only, 50% of the entry fee will be allocated to a special top WADER finish unless the overall adult winner is a WADER entry which will re-allocate the 50% to the overall adult prize. There is only 1 prize per angler awarded. To be clear, this is top 3 spots all adult, top wader only winner if the top winner is from the wetsuit division. A winners plaque will be provided for overall adult only for each season. Only 1 place per angler in overall adult and only 1 selected division per angler (example, you can’t enter wader & wetsuit – choose 1 for the tournament period).

4. Youth/Kids registration (Ages under 18) is free, non-cash prizes will be awarded for the top 3 C&R entries for heaviest striped bass or bluefish. Open to all town of East Hampton residents and family of members.

5. The contest, for the heaviest striped bass (36” Adult, 28” Youth min) or bluefish (28” min), will begin at 12:01AM on the first day and end at 10:00AM on the last day. Spring: Friday May 17th – July 7th 2024, Fall: Friday Sept 20th to Nov 23rd 2024.All applications must be submitted online or; provided to a committeeman by tournament entry deadline.

    1. please kindly notify a committee member or email [email protected] of your C&R entry within 24 hours.

6. Bait and/or Artificial Lures are allowed. One rod per angler and you must hold it (No Dead-Sticking). Contestants must land their own fish and can only enter 1 fish per day.

7. Fishing boundaries are all areas within the township of East Hampton only

8. Open to all present and past members. Any non-members who wish to participate in the contest must provide 2 references below and will be approved by the SurfMasters committee.

9. Full rules for catch & release will be provided prior to tournament start date via email and sent to all participating members. Photo and/or signed affidavit of witness and member will be used to accept entries in division. All rules for C&R are subject to change throughout the tournament. Ties go to earliest fish reported.

10. All winners of C & R are subject to lie detector tests at the committee discretion. All decisions of the committee are final. Failure to pass an independent polygraph test will result in loss and termination of winners, are not appealable and no refund of entry fee.

11. Adult Men & Women’s Wader Division Participation Rules

    1. In the interest of Good Sportsmanship, no boats, prams, rafts, balloons, kites, flippers (No Skishing), poling, swimming, drifting, floating or trolling to access any rocks, sandbars, reefs, or rips allowed. No wetsuiting allowed. Waders only. The following rocks are banned from surfcasting on: weakfish rocks, jones rock, bluff rock, northbar sandbar, whistle rock. Rod and reel surfcasting only.

12. Wetsuit Division Participation Rules

    1. Feet must be on solid mother earth or rock when you hook up. You can swim or pole to your rock. No flippers: no skishing. No free-floating, drifting or swimming while actually fishing. No boats, prams, kayaks, rafts, balloons or kites. Rod and reel surfcasting only.

13. Kids & Youth Participation Rules

    1. All youths and kids must cast and retrieve on their own, although leader-landing assistance is permitted.
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